IPSA World Congress 2012 Report

Members of the chair presented two papers at the IPSA World Congress from 7.-12.7.2012: Benjamin Engst and Christoph Hönnige presented the paper “Stone-Sweet, Vanberg and the Abstract Review Procedure Revisited: Findings from the French Conseil Constitutionnel” in the panel High Courts and Judicial Governance: Dialogue and Rights Review (link) of the RC 09 section. Julia Gollub, Diana Panke and Christoph Hönnige presented the paper “Voice without Vote: The Impact of CoR and EESC on National and Supranational Positions in the EU’s Multi-Level Governance”  at the panel on Reviewing EU Multilevel Governance I: Challenges of Sustaining Policy-making and Promoting EU Integration (link). Christoph Hönnige also chaired the panel on Institutional Design and Selection of Judges in an Age of Judicial Power (link). Benjamin Engst served as discussant for this panel.